Search the web for clear skin remedies and you will certainly find a slew of tips, hints, advice and recommendations. From buying expensive acne treatments to using urine, the number of ideas for treating acne is numerous.
Take a Look at Your Diet
While some of these things may certainly help (and some are simply gross), the real way to maintain clear skin is through a well-balanced, nutritious diet. A clear skin diet can provide you with relief from the signs and symptoms of acne in as little as a few days.
Making changes in the diet is completely safe to do, with many menu options available to ensure you still get to eat the foods that you love. It is cheap for anyone to change their diet, and highly beneficial for beautiful, smooth skin!
Simple Diet Changes
A clear skin diet includes more of the foods that nourish the skin and less of those that do not. It may be difficult at first, but once you see the amazing results you will want to make more and more changes.
Increase your Veggies
This is just what you were afraid of hearing, wasn’t it? Veggies get a bad rep, but they’re so good for you and your skin.
Research concludes that foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E should be consumed to help maintain clear skin. Each of these vitamins contains enzymes that reduce inflammation and irritation in the skin.
There are a number of food choices that contain these vitamins. Choices you may enjoy include potatoes, broccoli, spinach and bell peppers.
Do Not Use Salt
Salt is something that can irritate the skin and worsen acne. It should be avoided if you want to maintain clear skin.
Additionally foods that contain salts should not be consumed. This is not only potato chips, but foods such as processed can meats, popcorn, pretzels and similar foods.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water each day does a body good. Water flushes the body of toxins, helping purify the skin. Additionally water nourishes the skin, keeping it soft and hydrated.
Reach for a bottle or glass of water whenever you are thirsty. It is the best choice to quench your thirst and clear your skin.
Add lemon or choose a flavored water if you want a more tasteful drink. You may also drink a sports drink. Water is the best.
Enjoy a Piece of Fruit
Fruits offer a tasty treat perfect any time of the day. It offers plenty of benefits for the skin sure to be enjoyed.
Fruits have antioxidant properties packed inside of them. With every tasty bite you can be removing dead skin cells and bacteria from the skin!
This ensures that your pores are unclogged. With clear pores your skin will be clear and free from all types of blemishes.
Increase Fiber Intake
Adults should consume 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day. Since fiber cleanses the colon it can remove toxins before they reach the skin.
Fiber doesn’t have to be something you despise. Many foods are high in fiber as well as great-tasting.
Limit Dairy Products
There has been research conducted suggesting that dairy, particularly milk, can cause acne and similar skin conditions. This is due to the addition of hormones in these dairy products.
By depleting dairy from your diet your skin will be free and clear, with pores that can breathe. Say farewell (or greatly limit) cheese, milk, yogurt and related dairy products.
Avoid Sweets, Processed Foods
Each of these foods is bad for your health and bad for your skin. Leave the soda, chocolate and fast-food behind and clear skin is within your realm of possibility.
These foods can cause an increase in insulin in the body. When insulin amounts increase, so will the hormones and the acne outbreaks.
Add a Supplement
In addition to changing the way that you eat, you can also add a vitamin supplement to your life to help maintain clear skin. An Omega-3 Fatty Acid supplement is often recommended, as well as a Vitamin E supplement.
Consult with a doctor before you use any supplement. He can help you choose the best product for your needs.
The Best Diet for You
Your diet is very important in maintaining gorgeous and clear skin. It is well-worth the effort and the commitment to take care of your skin by eating the right foods.
Committing to the above goals will ensure that you can have clear skin no matter your age. Don’t you think it is a small price to pay for flawless skin?
Want to Take this Further?
Acne No More can help you with a clear skin diet you will love. This top-rated acne program supposedly will make it easier to say farewell to acne once and for all.